
Our experience at Produire au Sud Workshop

Events  /  22nd October 2024

From 20th – 26th November 2021, Come Sunrise We Shall Rule Director Nyasha Kadandara and Producer Bramwel Iro attended the Produire Au Sud Workshop in Nantes, France.

The workshop is part of the Festival of 3 continents with a focus on the development and packaging of film projects suitable for co-production. It aims to familiarize young/emerging producers and filmmakers from 3 continents, (Africa, Asia, and Latin America) with a variety of key tools and international coproduction techniques through group work and individual coaching on their projects.

This year’s workshop had a special element to it since it was also the Workshop’s 20th year anniversary. Here is a film gallery of all projects that have gone through the PAS workshop over the last 20 years:

Film gallery

We are very grateful to Produire Au Sud for the experience, an opportunity to learn and connect with other dope filmmakers.

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